Public Program
Friday 6 April, 9:30-17:00 ~ hands on making sessions
9:30–13:00 SDU Maker Lab @PAKHUSET. Sdr Havnegade 7, Kolding.
- 9.30-10:00 Meet and greet
- 10.00-10.30 Introduction: the Nordic-Baltic BioMedia Network, BioHack Kolding, FOOD+[material practices], Food for Thought.
- 10.30-11:45 Bioplastic Tableware: processes and methods
- 12:00-13.00 Micro-plastics in our food web + waterways: building, collecting, measuring
14:00–17:00 Design School Kolding, Textiles. Ågade 10, 3rd floor.
- Biotextiles: Making, touching, finding, exploring and finishing.
Saturday 7 April, 17:00-19:00 ~ Food + talks @TOBBERS MAD
- Food, drinks + 15 minute presentations from network members to stimulate conversation + debate. Talks on: Bioart and Design, Human Fuel, Unmaking, Hypercompostable and Edible Tableware, Biomaterials, and more..
to reserve a place
The events are free, everyone is welcome. Places on Friday are limited so email wilde–at–sdu.dk with some words about why you’d like to join so we can book you in. Let us know if you want to come Friday and/or Saturday:
- FOOD+ Friday 6/4 hands on workshops @SDU•Pakhuset and @DSKD
- FOOD+ Saturday 7/4 short talks, conversation, debate, food + drinks @TobbersMad
see the colophon (in the sidebar) for a list of those involved