This theme investigates how designing embodied interactions might evolve as material, technological and biological innovation converge, and the ecologies we move through become an inherent part of our experience of the world — no longer considered as an afterthought, but foregrounded in the social, the personal, the ethical and the political
It encompasses my research and teaching at SDU, experiments in the SDU BodyBioSoft Lab (our Body and Materials Lab), and associated collaborative research projects and networks:
Food for Thought
- Programme Overview: Food for Thought
- Nordic-Baltic Biomedia Network Symposium : FOOD+[material practices], w/ Kristina Lindström (MAH), Åsa Ståhl (LNU) + a host of others
- w/ Ferran Altarriba Bertran (UCSC) : a design-led investigation of food, play and participatory imagining
- w/ Erica Vannucci (Northumbria), Ferran Altarriba Bertran (UCSC), Justin Marshall (Northumbria): handmaking food-technology futures
Experimental Design + Inclusive Social Innovation:
- The PKI project, w/Jenny Underwood (RMIT) : investigating how design and emerging science might be converged to give people the feeling of being in someone else’s body, someone with different physical abilities and constraints.
- QUIETUDE w/ Patrizia Marti and colleagues (UNISI), Glitch Factory (IT), T4All (IT), Siena Art Institute (IT) and members of the Italian Deaf Community : using making, participation and Co-design to imagine a more sustainable, aesthetically enriched future for deaf women through wearables.
- Enhancing Silence w/ Steffen Korsgaard (SDU) : exploring the potential of exploratory making to afford inclusive social innovation with deaf persons
Embodied Design
- w/ Oscar Tomico (TU/e) and Anna Vallgårda (ITU) : a series of enquiries into how Embodied Design Research Techniques might be embodied and communicated
- Founding member: The Nordic Baltic Biomedia Network
- Representative for Denmark: European Network for Environmental Citizenship, EU COST Action 16229