Writing & Analysis


  • Wilde, D. Swing That Thing : moving to move. The poetics of embodied engagement. PhD Diss., Monash University, Melbourne supported by CSIRO, Australia (2011).
  • Wilde, D. Kyudo (traditional Japanese Archery) – an activity that alters our sense of the passage of time. MA Diss., The Royal College of Art, London UK. (2002).

PhD Exhibition Catalogue:

  • Wilde, D. Swing That Thing : moving to move. The poetics of embodied engagement. With contributions from Light, A., Tasaka, H (Tr.: Eguchi. K., Pasfield-Neofitou, S., Sell, C., and Ed.: Trevitt, A.), Cassinelli, A., Twaronite, L. Exhibition Catalogue. Monash University, Melbourne. (2011). ISBN: 978-1-921179-98-3


  • Interview for EUindblik (EU insight) – a magazine published by the Danish Agency for Research and Education (in Danish) : Priemé, Bodil. (2021) INTERVIEW “Smag for tværfagligt samarbejde” EUindblik. Available at: https://euindblik.ufm.dk/smag-for-tvaerfagligt-samarbejde/
  • I am a signatory on: William J Ripple, Christopher Wolf, Thomas M Newsome, Phoebe Barnard, William R Moomaw, World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency, BioScience, biz088, https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biz088

Book Chapters:

  • Wilde, D., Karyda, M. (2024) Making Data Digestible. In: Bonacho, R., Coelho, A.; Pires, M.; Eidler, M.; Massari; S. & Alvarez, P. (Ed.) Experiencing and Envisioning Food, Designing for Change. Taylor & Francis. pp 167-173
  • Wilde, D., Karyda, M. (2024) Co-creating Commensality. In: Bonacho, R., Coelho, A.; Pires, M.; Eidler, M.; Massari; S. & Alvarez, P. (Ed.) Experiencing and Envisioning Food, Designing for Change. Taylor & Francis. pp 133-138
  • Tomico, O., Wilde, D. (2022) Communities Of Production – Designing Socio-Technical Systems of Fabrication From a 1st Person Perspective. In Ezio Manzini, Albert Fuster, Roger Paez, Ramon Faura (Ed.s). Plug-ins: Design for City Making in Barcelona, Actar Publishers + Elisava. pp.297-307.
  • Wilde, D., Bedsted, B., Larsen L., Dau, S. (2019) ENEC Country Report: Denmark. In Hadjichambis, A. Ch., Reis, P. & Paraskeva-Hadjichambi D. (Eds.). (2019). European SWOT Analysis on Education for Environmental Citizenship. Lisbon: Institute of Education — University of Lisbon, Cyprus Centre for Environmental Research and Education & European Network for Environmental Citizenship — ENEC Cost Action. pp.118-136. ISBN: 978-989-8753-57-1. pdf: https://bit.ly/2JMYmz7 e-pub: bit.ly/2Vco5pV
  • Bertran, F. A., Wilde, D. Playing with Food: reconfiguring the gastronomic experience through play. In Experiencing Food: Designing Dialogues. Carrilho Bonacho, R. M. (ed.) CRC Press (Taylor and Francis), 2018. ISBN: 9781351271950. p.3–6.
  • Wilde, D. Devices that alter … a potted inquiry in Reynolds, C (Ed.) Devices that alter perception. 2011 pp.35-41.

Journal Articles:

  • Wilde, D., Lenskjold, T. (2003) Shit! Towards a multiple-perspective approach to human-microbiome relations, Human-Computer Interaction. Special Issue on Posthumanist HCI and the More-than-Human Turn in Design. https://doi.org/10.1080/07370024.2023.2276527
  • Wilde, D., Karyda, M., Fostering Education of Environmental Citizenship through Food Living Labs Environ. Sci. Proc. 14, 22, 2022 https://doi.org/10.3390/environsciproc2022014022
  • Wilde, D. Shitty food-based world-making: Recasting human|microbiome relationships beyond shame and taboo. Futures Volume 136, 2022, 102853, ISSN 0016-3287, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.futures.2021.102853.(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016328721001622)
  • Wilde, D., Del Corral, A., Silvestre, E., Guasch Ceballos, R. Caring Through Design: A Search for New Perspectives. (editorial). Temes de Disseny, 2022, 38: 8-19. https://doi.org/10.46467/TdD38.2022.8-19
  • Paredes, L., McMillan, C., Kyn Chan, W., Chandrasegaran, S., Singh, R., Ramani, K., Wilde, D. 2022. CHIMERA: Supporting Wearables Development across Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. 5, 4, Article 174 (Dec 2021), 24 pages. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3494974 PDF+video: +App
  • M. Karyda, D. Wilde and M. Kjærsgaard. Narrative Physicalisation: Supporting Interactive Engagement with Personal Data. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 44, 1, pp74-86 2020. doi: 10.1109/MCG.2020.3025078. 2021. CG&A Best Paper Award Runner-Up.
  • Wilde, D., Designing Research Education for Global Concerns. She Ji Journal of Design, Economics and Innovation, 2020, Vol. 6, issue 2 Summer 2020. pp.170–212 2019.
  • Wilde, D., Altarriba Bertran, F. Participatory Research through Gastronomy Design: a designerly move towards more playful gastronomy. International Journal of Food Design, 2019, Vol. 4, issue 1. pp.3–37 2019
  • Valle Noronha, J., Wilde, D. The Intervened Wardrobe: Making visible the agency of clothes. dObra [s] magazine of the Brazilian Association of Studies in Fashion Research. 2018, Issue 25: Fashion and its disruptive manifestations: pain, rebellion and nonconformity. ISSN printed 1982-0313 | e-ISSN 2358-0003.
  • Wilde, D., Underwood, J. Designing towards the Unknown: Engaging with Material and Aesthetic Uncertainty. Informatics 2018, 5(1), 1; doi:10.3390/informatics5010001
  • Tomico, O., Wilde, D. Soft, Embodied, Situated & Connected: enriching interactions with soft wearables. Journal of Mobile User Experience. Springer. 5:3, 2016. doi:10.1186/s13678-016-0006-z
  • Andersen, K., Wilde, D. Circles and Props: making unknown technology. Interactions 19(3):60-65. New York: ACM Press (2012)
  • Wilde, D. Schiphorst, T. Klooster, S. Move to Design • Design to Move: a conversation about designing for the body. Interactions 18(4):22-27 New York: ACM Press. (2011)
  • Wilde, D. Extending Body & Imagination : moving to move. International Journal on Disability and Human Development 2011:10(1):31-36 ©2011 Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York. (2011)
  • Wilde, D. Swing That Thing… moving to move: Extending our poetic and expressive potential. Second Nature Int. Journal of Creative Media, Vol. 3. pp. 164-197. (2010)
  • Wilde, D. Body≈Sounds : an emergent sonic practice. Scan Journal of Media Arts Practice, Vol. 6, 2, September 2009. Available at: http://scan.net.au/scan/journal/display_synopsis?j_id=17 or
  • Wilde, D. hipDisk: using sound to encourage physical extension, exploring humour in interface design. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media (IJPADM). Volume 4 Number 1. pp7-26. Intellect Ltd. 2008.
  • Wilde, D., Birkmayer, S. Dress and Ange: coercing the address of highly personal body-centric issues. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (2004) 8: 264–273.
  • Wilde, D., Harris, E., Rogers, Y., Randell, C. The Periscope: supporting a computer enhanced field trip for children. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (2003) 7: 227-233.

Conference Proceedings:

  • Tomico, O., Poikolainen Rosén, A., Keune, S., Altarriba Bertran, F., WIlde, D., Fernández Galeote, D., Lenskjold, T., Tikkanen, R., Buruk, O., Spors, V. (2024) Seeding a Repository of Methods-To-Be for Nature-Entangled Design Research Accepted to DIS 2024: ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. (In Press) https://dis.acm.org/2024/.
  • Lee, Y., Pschetz, L., Karyda, M., Tomico, O., Wilde, D., Lenskjold, T., Clarke, R., Heitlinger, S., Light, A., Nissen, B. (2024) [workshop] Ecological data for manifesting the entanglement of more-than-human livingness. Accepted to DIS 2024: ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. (In Press) https://dis.acm.org/2024/.
  • Frascara, J., Gardien, P., Noël, G., Rosenberg, D., Stappers, P.J.,and Wilde, D.(2023) Towards strengthening Methods in Design Education and Practice, in Derek Jones, Naz Borekci, Violeta Clemente, James Corazzo, Nicole Lotz, Liv Merete Nielsen, Lesley-Ann Noel (eds.), The 7th International Conference for Design Education Researchers, 29 November – 1 December 2023, London, United Kingdom. https://doi.org/10.21606/drslxd.2024.029.
  • Tomico, O., Altarriba, F., Keune, S., Buruk, O., Wilde D., Wakkary, R. [workshop] Designerly ways of engaging with nature. Mindtrek ’23: Proceedings of the 26th International Academic Mindtrek Conference October 2023 pp.309-312 https://doi.org/10.1145/3616961.3616993
  • Wilde, D., Lenskjold, T. [workshop] (Re)Narrating the Holobiont through Design. In Holmlid, S., Rodrigues, V., Westin, C., Krogh, P. G., Mäkelä, M., Svanaes, D., Wikberg-Nilsson, Å (eds.), Nordes 2023: This Space Intentionally Left Blank, 12-14 June, Linköping University, Norrköping, Sweden.
  • Hazal Oktay, N., Wilde, D.,and Kuusk, K.(2023) Conversations with the body of the other: A three-step dialogical process. In Holmlid, S., Rodrigues, V., Westin, C., Krogh, P. G., Mäkelä, M., Svanaes, D., Wikberg-Nilsson, Å (eds.), Nordes 2023: This Space Intentionally Left Blank, 12-14 June, Linköping University, Norrköping, Sweden. https://doi.org/10.21606/nordes.2023.58
  • Wilde, D., Karyda, M., Østergaard Fog, I. Foraging Tangibles for Participatory Design: Decolonising Co-creative Processes through Sustainable Engagement with Place. Proceedings, Participatory Design Conference (PDC) 2022 – Volume 2. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) New York, NY, USA, 179-185. https://doi.org/10.1145/3537797.3537871
  • Lenskjold, T.*, Wilde, D.* Shitty stories: Experimenting with probiotic participation through design, in Lockton, D., Lenzi, S., Hekkert, P., Oak, A., Sádaba, J., Lloyd, P. (eds.), DRS2022: Bilbao, 25 June – 3 July, Bilbao, Spain. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2022.521 *Joint first authors/equal contribution.
  • Dolejšová, M., Wilde, D., Davis , H., Altarriba Bertran, F. [workshop] Feasting on Participatory Methodologies for Regenerative Food Transitions. Proc. Participatory Design Conference 2022 – Volume 2 (PDC ’22). ACM Press, New York, NY, USA, 2022, 210–214. https://doi.org/10.1145/3537797.3537832
  • Wilde, D., Hupe, A.L., Trahan, S., Guinita Abel, C., Kjærsgaard Longueval, S., McLaughlin, C. Rethinking Food: Co-Creating Citizen Science for Sustainability Transitions. Nordes 2021 Nordic Design Conference. pp.228-237.
  • Wilde, D.* Dolejšová, M.* van Gaalen, S., Altarriba Bertran, F., Davis H., Raven, P. G. Troubling the Impact of Future Food Imaginaries. Nordes 2021. pp.115-124.*joint first authors
  • Wilde, D., Dolejšová, van Gaalen, S., Raven, P. G., M., Karyda, M., Trahan, S. [workshop] Backcasting [better] Futures. Nordes 2021. Matters of Scale. 9(1) https://conference2021nordes.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/2-NORDES_2021_paper_157_Backcasting_better_futures_FINAL.pdf
  • Dolejšová, M., Ampatzidou C., Houston, L., Botero, A., Light, A., Choi, J., Wilde, D., Altarriba Bertran, F., Davis, H., Gil, F. G., Catlow, R. Crafting Transformative Futures: Creative Practice, Social Change and Climate Emergency. Creativity and Cognition. (CC2021) ACM (2021): 1-9.
  • Dolejšová, M.* and Wilde, D.,* Altarriba Bertran, F., Davis, H. Disrupting (More-than-) Human-Food Interaction: Experimental Design, Tangibles and Food-Tech Futures. Designing Interactive Systems. (DIS2020) ACM (2020): 993-1004. *joint first authors
  • Honauer, M., Wilde, D., Hornecker, E. Overcoming Reserve – Supporting Professional Appropriation of Interactive Costumes. Designing Interactive Systems. (DIS2020) ACM (2020): 2189-2200. Winner: Best Paper Award.
  • Altarriba Bertran, F., Duval, J., Márquez Segura, E., Turmo Vidal, L., Chisik, Y., Juanet Casulleras, M., Garcia Pañella, O., Isbister, K., Wilde, D. [workshop] Chasing Play Potentials in Food Culture: Learning from Traditions to Inspire Future Human-Food Interaction Design. Designing Interactive Systems. (DIS2020) ACM (2020): 979-991.
  • Davis, H., Wilde, D., Dolejšová, M., Altarriba Bertran, F., [workshop] Fantastic(e)ating Food Futures: Reimagining Human Food Interaction. Designing Interactive Systems. (DIS2020) ACM (2020): 377-380.
  • Dolejšová, M., van Gaalen, S., Wilde, D., Raven, P., Heitlinger, S., Light, A. [workshop] Designing with More-than-Human Food Practices for Climate-Resilience. Designing Interactive Systems. (DIS2020) ACM (2020): 381-384.
  • Chisik, Y., Altarriba Bertran, F., Schaper, M., Márques-Segura, E., Turmo Vidal, L., Wilde, D.[workshop] Chasing Play Potentials in Food Culture: Embracing Children’s Perspectives. Interaction Design and Children. (IDC2020) ACM (2020): 46-53.
  • *Altarriba Bertran, F., *Wilde, D., Berezvay, E., Isbister, K. Playful Human-Food Interaction Research: State of the Art and Future Directions. CHI Play. 2019. ACM Press. 225–237. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3311350.3347155 *joint-first authors
  • Altarriba Bertran, F., Duval J., Isbister, K., Wilde, D. Garcia Pañella, O., Badal León, L. Chasing Play Potentials in Food Culture to Inspire Technology Design. CHI Play. 2019. ACM Press. 829–834. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3341215.3349586
  • Dolesjova, M., Altarriba Bertran, F., Davis, H., Wilde, D. [workshop] Crafting and Tasting Issues in Everyday Human-Food Interactions. DIS2019, ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. ACM Press. 361-364. doi>10.1145/3301019.3319994
  • *Altarriba Bertran, F., Jhaveri, S., Lutz, R., Isbister, K., *Wilde, D. Making Sense of Human-Food Interaction. CHI’19. CHI’19 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM Press: Paper 678. doi>10.1145/3290605.3300908 13pp *joint-first authors
  • Aleksejeva, J., Biedermann, P., Gavriliuc, I, Orlovate, O., Wilde, D. Crafting Bioplastics: materially reconfiguring everyday food practices. RTD2019 Research Through Design Conference 2019. Article 23. 16pp. Download here:
  • Wilde, D. Food for Thought: Using food as the locus for thinking. Position paper prepared for the OZCHI’18 workshop: On and Off the Table: Re-Imagining Food and Wine Interactions. Download here:
  • Nägele, L., Ryöppy, M., Wilde, D. PDFi: Participatory Design Fiction with Vulnerable Users. NordiCHI EA’18. Extended Abstracts of the Nordic Conference on Human Computer Interaction. ACM (2018): 819–831
  • Biedermann, P. Aleksejeva, J., Mikkonen, J., Wilde, D. Sensepack: An In-Between Wearable for Body-Backpack Communication. NordiCHI EA’18. Extended Abstracts of the Nordic Conference on Human Computer Interaction. ACM (2018): 922–927
  • Wilde, D., Marti, P. Exploring Aesthetic Enhancement of Wearable Technologies for Deaf Women. DIS’18, In Proc. Designing Interactive Systems. ACM (2018): 201–213.
  • Bertran, F. A., Jhaveri, S., Lutz, R., Isbister, K., Wilde, D. Visualising the landscape of Human-Food Interaction research. DIS’18 Companion, ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems. ACM (2018): 243–248
  • Vannucci, E., Bertran, F. A., Marshall, J., Wilde, D. [workshop] Hand-making food ideals: crafting the design of future food-related technologies. DIS’18 Companion, ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems. ACM (2018): 419–422
  • Wilde, D., Underwood, J. Designing towards the unknown: engaging with material and aesthetic uncertainty. In Proc. Design for Next 2017. European Academy of Design
  • Beuthel, J. M., Wilde, D. Wear.x: developing wearables that embody felt experience. In Proc. DIS2017, ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. ACM (2017): 915-927
  • Wilde, D., Vallgårda, A., Tomico, O. Embodied Design Ideation methods: analysing the power of estrangement. In Proc. Human Factors in Computing Systems. CHI2017. ACM (2017): 5158-5170
  • Wilde, D., Vallgårda, A., Tomico, O. Embodied Design Ideation: analysis, estrangement and practice. Position statement prepared for the CHI’17 Workshop on Soma-Based Design Theory.
  • Tomico O., Wilde, D. [workshop] Embodying Soft Wearables Research. In Proc. Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. ACM (2016):774-777.
  • Wilde, D., Underwood, J. Pohlner, R. Crafting Material Innovation. In EKSIG 2015. Design Research Society Special Interest Group: Experiential Knowledge (2015): 21-33.
  • Lucero, A., Wilde, D., Robinson, S., Fischer, J. E., Clawson, J., Tomico, O. [workshop] Mobile Collocated Interactions With Wearables. In Proc. Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. ACM (2015): 1138-1141.
  • Tomico O., Wilde, D. 2015. Soft, Embodied, Situated & Connected. In Proc. Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. ACM (2015): 1179-1186.
  • Wilde, D., Tomico, O., Lucero, A., Höök, K., Buur, J. [workshop] Embodying Embodied Design Research Techniques. Critical Alternatives 2015. 5th Decennial Århus Conference. Århus, Denmark, August, 2015
  • Wilde, D. Embodying Material Ideation. PINC2015. Participatory Innovation Conference. The Hague, May, 2015
  • Wilde, D., Underwood, J. Crafting the Embodied Ideation of Wearables. CHI2015 Workshop on Knowledge Production in Interaction Design. SIGHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Seoul, April, 2015.
  • Wilde, D., Underwood, J. Pohlner, R. PKI: Crafting Critical Design. DIS2014, The ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. Vancouver, Canada, June 21-25, 2014
  • Wilde, D., Tomico, O. Embodying Embodied Design Research. DRS2014, The Design Research Society annual conference. Umeå, Sweden. 2014
  • Walmink, W., Wilde, D., Mueller, F. Displaying Heart Rate Data on a Bicycle Helmet to Support Social Exertion Experiences. In Proc. TEI2014 Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction. NY: ACM Press. 2014. 8 pages
  • Splawa-Neyman, T., Wilde, D., Ha, W., Lacey, J. The Beast Trilogy: an evolving experiment in fashion ideation. Shapeshifting Conference. Auckland, 2014.
  • Wilde, D. Embodying Neuroplastic change. In Proc. CHI2013 Ext. Abstr. on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2267-2276, New York: ACM Press. 2013.
  • Wilde, D., Andersen, K.. Postcards From a (Better) Future: Process as Making. Nordes Nordic Design Conference. 2013. Copenhagen and Malmö. 4 pages
  • Wilde, D. hipDisk: understanding the value of ungainly, embodied, performative fun. In Proc. CHI2012 Ext. Abstr. on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 111-120, New York: ACM Press. 2012
  • Wilde, D. hipDisk: experiencing the value of ungainly, embodied, performative fun. In Proc. CHI2012 Ext. Abstr. on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 979-982, New York: ACM Press. 2012
  • Wilde, D., Cassinelli, A. The light Arrays. Proc. CHI2012 Ext. Abstr. on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 987-990, New York: ACM Press. 2012
  • Mueller, F, Wilde, D, Toprak, C, Graether, E and Berthouze, N. Future user research for exertion games. In Proc. CHI2012 Ext. Abstr. on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-4, New York: ACM Press. 2012
  • Andersen, K., Wilde, D. Circles and Props – Making Unknown Technology. In International Symposium for Electronic Arts (ISEA2011). Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
  • Wilde, D., Cassinelli, A. The light Arrays project: The in-visible skirt and other imaginary things. SEAM Symposium: Spacing Movements Outside in. (SEAM2011). Sydney, Australia, September 2011.
  • Wilde, D. Supporting a paradigm shift in abilitation, by shifting the focus from the site of disability to embodied imaginative engagement. In 3rd annual int. arts and health conference. Canberra, Australia, November 2011.
  • Helmer, R., Mestrovic, M., Taylor, K., Philpot, B., Wilde, D., Farrow, D. Physiological Tracking, Wearable Interactive Systems and Human Performance. In Proc. 20th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, Adelaide, Australia, December 2010. pp 57-62. Tokyo: The Virtual Reality Society of Japan.
  • Wilde, D., Andersen, K. Part Science Part Science Part Magic: Analysing the OWL Outcomes. In Proc. OZCHI2010 Australasian Computer Human Interaction Conference. Brisbane, Australia, November 2010. pp188-191. New York: ACM Press.
  • Andersen, K., Wilde, D. OWL bodyprops fitting sessions In Proc. PDC2010 Participatory Design Conference, Sydney, November 2010
  • Wilde, D. Devices that Alter…. A potted inquiry. In Devices That Alter Perception (DAP) Workshop. Proc. ISMAR2010 International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Seoul, South Korea, October 2010
  • Wilde, D. The Poetics of Extension : using art & design ideation techniques to develop engaging body-worn devices. paper & video In Proc. ISWC2010 The International Symposium for Wearable Computing, Seoul, South Korea, October 2010
  • Wilde, D., Cassinelil, A., Zerroug, A., Helmer, R J N., Ishikawa, M. Light Arrays: a system for extended engagement. In Proc. ICDVRAT2010 International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Other Technologies Viña del Mar/Valparaíso, Chile. September 2010
  • Wilde, D, Helmer, R J N, Miles, M. Extending Body & Imagination : moving to move. In Proc. ICDVRAT2010 International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Other Technologies Viña del Mar/Valparaíso, Chile. September 2010
  • Wilde, D. Swing That Thing : Moving To Move. In Proc. TEI2010 Tangible & Embedded Interaction Conference. Boston, MA, USA. January 2010
  • Wilde, D. Andersen, K. Doing things backwards the OWL project interviews. In Proc. TEI2010 Tangible & Embedded Interaction Conference, Boston MA. January 2010
  • Wilde, D. A New Performativity : wearables and body devices. In Proc. Re:live Media Art History. Melbourne. Nov. 2009. 184-190. MAH Archive [online] http://www.mat.ucsb.edu/Publications/burbano_MAH2009.pdf
  • Wilde, D. Using technology to poetically extend the dynamic moving body. SEAM 2009 Spatial Phrases symposium Sydney. September 2009. 10 pages. Sydney: Creative Path. 2009.
  • Wilde, D. Swing That Thing: the dynamic moving body in interactive, body-centric elements and systems. Workshop on Embodied Interaction in Mobile, Physical and Virtual Environments. The ARC Research Network in Human Communication (HCSNet) SummerFest. Sydney. 4 pages. December 2008.
  • Wilde, D. The hipDiskettes: Learning (through) Wearables. In Proceedings of The Australasian Computer Human Interaction Conference (OZCHI08). 259-262. Cairns, Australia. December 2008.
  • Bencina, R., Wilde, D., Langley, S. Gesture ≈ Sound Experiments: Process and Mappings. In Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME08). 197-202. Genova, Italy, June 2008.
  • Wilde, D. Extruding the Body with light to Make Visible the Spatial Relationships inherent in Gesture and Posture. Workshop 
on Pervasive Visual, Auditory and Alternative Modality Information Display. The 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing (PE08). 4 pages. Sydney. May 2008.
  • Wilde, D. hipDisk: a most undignified musical instrument. In Proc. (re)Actor2. Second International Conference on Digital live Art. Leeds UK. September 2007.
  • Wilde, D. hipDisk: an interactive sonic system inspired by core-body gesture. In Proc. ACMC07. The Australasian Computer Music Conference 2007, Canberra. June 2007.


  • Wilde, D. 2023. Royal Geographic Society Annual Conference. Bridging ontological divergences; situating agri-food system transformations across scales. (abstract in proceedings + conference presentation)
  • Wilde, D., Karyda, M., Moeller, N. 2023. HCI for Climate Change workshop at CHI2023, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing. Food for Transformative Change-Making. (conf. workshop position paper)
  • Wilde, D. 2021. FOOD MATTERS (Ottawa, CA. Virtual). Fæces and Species: the food we eat, the food we produce, the food we are. (abstract in proceedings + conference presentation)
  • Dolejšová, M, van Gaalen, S., Wilde, D., Davis , H., Altarriba Bertran, F. 2020. More-than-Human Food Futures Cookbook. https://cookbook.foodfutures.group. Included in the EU Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Toolkit: https://rri-tools.eu/en/-/more-than-human-food-futures-cookbook
  • Braathen, E., Wilde, D., Borgen, S. O., Eika, A., Karyda, M., Søvik, A. 2021. Deliverable 1.1: Living Lab for Urban Food System Transformation – an inventory report. Fostering the Urban food System Transformation through Innovative Living Labs Implementation. Research & Innovation Action. CE-FNR-07-2020: FOOD 2030 – Empowering cities as agents of food system transformation. Available for download at: www.fusilli-project.eu
  • Braathen, E., Wilde, D., Borgen, S. O., Eika, A., Karyda, M., Søvik, A. 2021. Deliverable 1.2: Guidelines for the identification and involvement of city food system actors. Fostering the Urban food System Transformation through Innovative Living Labs Implementation. Research & Innovation Action. CE-FNR-07-2020: FOOD 2030 – Empowering cities as agents of food system transformation. Available for download at: www.fusilli-project.eu
  • Dolejšová, M., Wilde, D., Davis, H., Altarriba Bertran, F., [open panel] Reshef Kera, D. Feeding Food Futures: From Techno-solutionism to Inclusive Human-Food Collaborations. EASST+4S 2020. Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and Agency of STS in Emerging Worlds 2020. (open panel, Food and Agriculture). Full program: http://bit.ly/fff-EAST4Spanel2020
  • Dolejšová, M., van Gaalen, S., Wilde, D., Davis, H., Altarriba Bertran, F., Kebová, B. [make and do session] Foraged Imaginaries: More-than-Human Food Futures for Planetary Well-being. EASST+4S 2020
  • Wilde, D. Food for thought: materialising the more-than-human in design pedagogy. 4S Society for the Social Studies of Science Annual Conference 2018
  • Wilde, D. BioHacking our Danish town to diversify civic imaginaries. Open Fields 2018 RIXC
  • Wilde, D. BioHack*Kolding : bringing science to citizens and citizens to science. 4S / EASST. Science & Technology by other means. Barcelona, 31 Aug – 3 Sep, 2016.
  • Wilde, D. Fashioning science: the next revolution in wearables. Published online by The Conversation: https://theconversation.com/fashioning-science-the-next-revolution-in-wearables-24109
  • Wilde, D. hipDisk: an interactive sonic system inspired by core-body gesture. Published online by Craft Australia: http://www.craftaustralia.com.au/research/20070826.php [posted 26 august 2007]
  • Anders Rogers, Y., Price, S., Harris, E., Phelps, T., Underwood, M., Wilde, D. & Smith, H. Learning through digitally-augmented physical experiences: Reflections on the Ambient Wood project. Equator IRC working paper. 2003.

Cultural Interventions


  • Aleksejeva, J., Behravan, J., Biedermann, P., Gavriliuc, I., Orlovaite O., Vismara, V., Wilde, D., Making DIY Bioplastics. Nordic-Baltic BioMedia Network Symposium: FOOD?[material practices], SDU BodyBioSoft Lab and Pakhuset Maker Space, Kolding, Denmark, April, 2018
  • Aleksejeva, J., Behravan, J., Biedermann, P., Gavriliuc, I., Orlovaite O., Vismara, V., Wilde, D., Food for Thought Research Lab in the Wild. SDU Silver Jubilee Event, SDU Kolding Campus, Denmark, March, 2018
  • Wilde, D., Underwood, J.. PKI, The Poetic-Kinaesthetic Interface project Phase II, Lab in the Wild. Design School Kolding, Denmark. November 2014. Part of a DSKD Residency run in conjunction with the Design Research Society Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge annual conference.
  • Wilde, D., Underwood, J., Pohlner, R. PKI, The Poetic-Kinaesthetic Interface project Lab in the Wild. Melbourne Now Exhibition. The National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia. Jan-Feb 2014. Part of a Melbourne Now Bolwell Edge design residency.
  • Wilde, D., Andersen, K. The OWL Project Outcomes. Nordes Nordic Design Conference. Copenhagen and Malmö. June 2013.
  • Wilde, D., Andersen, K. The OWL Project Outcomes. Haptic InterFace Exhibition. Koo Ming Kown Exhibition Gallery, HKBU AVA, Hong Kong, Nov-Dec 2012

  • Wilde, D., Cassinelli, A. The light Arrays. CHI2012 Interactivity Explorations Art and Design Showcase, Austin, Texas, May 2012
  • Wilde, D. hipDisk. CHI2012 Interactivity Explorations, Austin, Texas, May 2012
  • Cassinelli A. Wilde, D. The light Arrays Microwave International Festival of New Media, Hong Kong, September 2011
  • Wilde, D. Swing That Thing… ex-MUMA Gallery. Monash University Clayton, Aug 2011

  • Wilde, D., and Wilde, D. Cassinelli, A. hipDisk & The light Arrays. Movin’ on Up. Ford Discovery Centre, Geelong, July 2011. An exhibition, and series of participatory public demonstrations
  • Wilde, D., Cassinelli, A. The in-visible skirt and other imaginary things. Commission. The 3rd Yebisu Int. Festival of Art and Alternative Visions, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography and Yebisu Gardens Place, Tokyo, Japan. Jan-Feb 2011.
  • Andersen, K., Wilde, D. The OWL Project Outcomes. Take Part Participatory Design Exhibit. UTS, Dab Lab Gallery, Sydney, 2010
  • Wilde, D. hipDrawing #2 Netherlands Institute for Media Art (NIMK), Wearable Technology – Powered Art and Fashion Design, July-August 2009
  • School of Art Gallery, Australian National University, Canberra, 2007
  • Viper International Festival of Video and New Media, Basel, 2004
  • Wassermuller Trittau, Schleswig-Holstein, 2004
  • Hewlett Packard Research Labs. Bristol, 2004
  • Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Canberra, 2003
  • The Show: Two. Henry Moore Gallery, Royal College of Art, London, 2003
  • MODAFE International Modern Dance festival, Seoul, 2003
  • Hewlett Packard Research Labs. Bristol, 2003
  • Gulbenkian Gallery, Royal College of Art, London, 2003
  • Digital Arts Lab (DAL) Holon, Israel, 2002-03
  • Gulbenkian Gallery, Royal College of Art, London, 2002-03

Participatory Events:

  • Wilde, D., Underwood, J., Pohlner, R. PKI, The Poetic-Kinaesthetic Interface project Lab in the Wild. Melbourne Now. National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, AU. Jan-Feb 2014.
  • Wilde, D., hipDisk. 4th Asia-Pacific Nanobionics Symposium. Melbourne, AU. Nov. 2013
  • Wilde, D. hipDisk. CHI2012 Interactivity Explorations, Austin, Texas, May 2012
  • Wilde, D., Andersen, K. OWL Circles: participatory events to support embodied making
    • #1. Iikura School Community Centre, Azabujuban, Tokyo, May 2010
    • #2-3. Gm Ten Project Space Gallery. Tokyo. July, 2010
    • #4-10. Interactivation Lab. UTS, Sydney
, 2010
    • #11.ISEA 2011, Istanbul, September 2011
  • Wilde, D. Media Kitchen. Yamaguchi Centre for Art & Media (YCAM), Japan Oct. 2010
  • Wilde, D. OWL with Chikaru Dance Co. Studio Imaichi, Yamaguchi, Japan, Oct. 2010
  • Wilde, D., Andersen, K. OWL Interviews: participatory events to support embodied thinking
    • #22-26. Various locations, Tokyo. April-October 2010
    • #16-21. Various locations, New York, USA. February 2010
    • #8-15. Various locations, Melbourne, Australia. Jan. 2010
    • #1-7. Various locations, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, London. Jun-Jul ’09
  • Salone Satellite. Salone Internazionale di Mobile, Milan, 2002 Spring Street Studio. New York, NY, 2000


  • Wilde, D., Cassinelli, A. The in-visible skirt and other imaginary things. Commissioned, feature project at The 3rd Yebisu Int. Festival of Art and Alternative Visions, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Yebisu Gardens Place, Tokyo, JP. Jan-Feb 2011.
  • Wilde, D. Morgan, P. hipDrawing #4. Time, Transcendence Performance Conference Closing Event, Dancehouse, Melbourne, Nov. 2009
  • Wilde, D. Morgan, P. hipDrawing #3. Dancehouse Melbourne, Sep. 2009
  • Wilde, D. hipDrawing #2. Melkweg, Amsterdam. Five Days Off Festival Opening Event, in association with the NIMK, Wearable Technology – Powered Art and Fashion Design exhibition, Jul. 2009
  • Wilde, D. hipDrawing #1. The Dana Centre for public Engagement with Science, The London Science Museum, UK. Reactive Surfaces Event, Jun. 2009
  • STEIM Studio for Electro-Instrumental Music. Amsterdam, 2007
  • Australian National Museum, Canberra: WearNow Symposium, 2007
  • Hewlett Packard Research Labs. Bristol, 2007
  • Australian National Museum, Canberra, 2007


  • Internationaler Experimental Film Workshop screenings, 2000:
    • Neues Kino Basel Switzerland
    • Olive/Fri-son Fribourg, Switzerland;
    • KoKi Giefen, Germany
    • Goethe-Institut Glasgow
    • School of TV & Imaging Dundee
    • Kunstlerhaus Dortmund
    • Goethe-Instituts Warsaw, Poland
    • Goethe-Instituts Krakow, Poland
    • Filmfest Emden, Germany
    • Goethe-Institut Hong Kong
    • Goethe-Institut Bangalore, India
  • European Media Art Festival Osnabrück, Germany, 2000
  • Womentek/Peninsula Fine Arts Center Newport News, VA, USA, 2000
  • Video lisboa lisbon, 2000
  • International Festival of New Film Spilt, Croatia, 2000
  • l’Imagine Leggera Palermo, 2000
  • Internationaler Experimental Film workshop Screenings, 1999:
    • Proyectos Culturales Madrid, Spain
    • Shortfilmfestival Manchester, UK
    • Danish Film Institute Copenhagen, Denmark
    • KoKi Freiburg, Germany


  • DesignDrawSpeak interview and podcast: http://designdrawspeak.com/013/, 2014
  • ABC774 Radio, Melbourne Red Symons show, live to air interview, 2013
  • Shusterman, R. (2013): Somaesthetics. In: Soergaard, Mads and Dam, Rikke Friis (eds.). The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd Ed. Aarhus, Denmark: The Interaction Design Foundation. http://www.interaction-design.org/encyclopedia/somaesthetics.html
  • ABC TV Australia, The New Inventors program, 2011
  • Daily Planet Discovery Channel, Canada
  • Schwartzman, M. See Yourself Sensing. Redefining Human Perception. Black Dog Publishing, UK. 2011
  • Jap_On documentary. Métropolis Arts. RTVE Spain. Spanish & 

My interview starts at 9:00